Saturday, October 18, 2008

monsters galore!

i feel that anyone currently on the ninth floor knows who i am, or at least knows me by my work at this point.
For my first post to this wonderful group blog though, i'd like to introduce myself!
my name is Alex Carlson, im a junior illustrator now. this is my first year at Massart, i came from the Milwaukee Inst. of Art and Design in milwaukee Wisconsin. Before that, i was living in Miami.
if you cant tell, i love monsters!

this was done for Advanced Drawing Project. The assignment was cast shadows and though the shadows arnt the focus of the drawing, theyre there! i thought this would be a good pice to represent myself with.


feel free to mosey on over to my blog for a full dose of monstery-goodness.


England in the Fall

Hi! I hope everyone is doing quite well this October. I am living in Liverpool, England right now, which is very lovely and yes, it is the home of the Beatles. It is not so unlike Boston, actually, and is beginning to feel like home. Oh yes, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am beginning to update my blog now! (and eventually my website)

I am glad to see that people are still working on their art. It's been inspiring and I am doing what I can as well.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Masks Aplenty

Hey guys!

It's been a while since I've updated my blog, but now that I've got more of my life in order here's what I've been working on! It's a mask project that will eventually be a part of a personal theater peice I've put off for a while. Here's one picture. You can see the rest on my blog.

Hope everyone is doing well :)


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kitty Bookmark

I'm making kitten bookmarks.  They are drawing with waterproof ink and will have decorative paper behind them.  I just wanted to make some simple are I enjoy in between making my homework.  

my comforter

see my blog for details. peace be with y'all!